Currency Order

Are you looking for the most favourable rate but have no time to monitor the development in the foreign exchange market?
The Currency Order will keep an eye on the rate for you.

The benefits of automatic exchange

Save time

You do not have to continuously monitor how the rates are developing to make profit or limit exchange rate losses. The Currency Order monitors the rate 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Low limits

A Currency Order can be agreed upon for amounts starting from EUR 10,000 or USD 10,000.

Exchange into 16 currencies

An Order can be concluded in the following currencies: EUR, USD, PLN, GBP, CHF, CZK, NOK, SEK, DKK, HUF, JPY, CAD, AUD, RUB, RON, CNY.

Set your limits

Two concepts (TAKE PROFIT and STOP LOSS) set up by you help you automatically purchase or sell currencies at your desired or worst acceptable rate.

The experiences of our clients with Currency Order

Helena Zumr Janů | HD COMMODITY s.r.o.

90% of our goods are sold to foreign clients. The development of the price of the goods depends entirely on the development of the exchange rate. If we want to arrange the best possible rate, we set a Currency Order at the required level and indicate the amount and period in which we want to execute and monitor the Order. If the rate goes in this direction, the system will exchange the required amount automatically, and then we needn’t worry about anything anymore.

Helena Zumr Janů
Managing Director, HD COMMODITY s.r.o.

Are you looking for advice or answers to your questions? Let us know, we’re happy to help.

We are available on weekdays from 8:00 to 17:30 Monday to Thursday, on Fridays from 8:00 to 17:00.

How it works

You can call the Dealing Department and arrange binding monitoring of the rate in order to reach your required level at a specific time.

You will subsequently receive a confirmation of the agreed upon Order from the Dealing Department.

The system automatically monitors the rate development in the forex market, according to your requirements for up to a year.

The Order is executed automatically when the required level of the exchange rate is reached. You will be informed about the Order execution by e-mail.

The dealer will call you to agree on the settlement terms of the executed Order.

More options, more time for you

Take Profit Order

An instruction to automatically buy/ sell currency at the rate required by the client. For example, if the foreign currency is purchased, the Order rate is below the current market rate.

Stop Loss Order

An instruction to automatically buy/ sell currency at the client’s lowest acceptable rate. For example, if the foreign currency is purchased, the Order rate is above the current market rate.

Combination of Take Profit Order and Stop Loss Order

The benefits of both types are used to generate profit or reduce exchange-rate loss.


A Currency Order is a binding order of a foreign exchange, based on which we will automatically trade the required currency if the market rate reaches the required level. This order can be arranged at the Citfin Dealing Department. As soon as the rate reaches your required level, the exchange will be automatically executed, and the settlement of this transaction is subsequently agreed upon with you. If the rate does not reach your required level, the Currency Order expires.

You can cancel an existing Currency Order that has not yet been executed. If it has already been executed, i.e. the market rate has reached the required level, the Currency Order and its settlement are binding for you.

Currency Trading Limit Order is free and after its execution the foreign currency is immediately available to you.

– 10,000 EUR
– 10,000 USD
– For other currencies, the limits vary by currency

Maximum 360 days.

There is no any special contract needed. This product is available to all our clients.